Paint Day

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Today the paint job is finally finished.  Well, there is still the roof to do with sand to make a grippy surface and some other sandy grippy bits,...
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The floors are going in! Southern Yellow Pine 4x6s bedded well in chapopote (roof tar).&nb...
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Down To The Finishing Off Jobs

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Forgive me readers for I have sinned. Its been nearly a month since my last blog.  I am now just doing the last few little jobs that have been hanging...
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Need to find something special for the Holidays

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If you are looking for serious Holiday gifts, for others (or even for yourself), I hope you’ll hang around long enough to read this...As authors of a...
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Calendar Islands Yawl Modeling Continued

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Fleshing out the Calendar Islands YawlModeling the InteriorWhile I am actually breaking out the geometry of the final 3D computer model, the interior...
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Misty Moonbeam

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Misty Moonbeam a unique yacht which was designed and built by the late Michael Corbin. For many years Misty Moonbeam was a familiar sight on the Medina...
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Voice recognition software

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I am writing this short post in order to test the voice recognition software embedded in Windows 7. It is my hope that I can write posts more frequently...
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This blog is being moved

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This blog is being transferred to my own website. All the posts have already been copied over ... is a good search...
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First Mate Side Seat Rails

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At the end of June 2011, I published a post about my idea for moveable side seating in cruising dinghies. The idea is that side seats can be used if prefered...
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A Bit Council House

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I have been up to quite a few things on the boat but nothing really blog worthy. I do have a lot to say about generators, batteries, alternators and charging...
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Answers to a couple of recent comments

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Here is comment received regarding Fleet:-How much does she weigh?What I like about flint is that the center of balance is over the center thwart making...
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Love Love by Julien Berthier

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French artist Julien Berthier created this boat. According to him, "Love love is the permanent and mobile image of a wrecked ship that has become a functional...
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Battens Cut and Fit

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My battens have now been ripped and fit to the frames. I had to deepen the pre-cut notches to get the battens to lay flush with the frame contours. Per...
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A Dory for Gazela Primeiro and at the end tips on glass application

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A while ago I received a nice email from Tony Souza regarding construction issues with a new dory he intended building for the old Portuguese barkentine...
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About something you really need

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Something you might want to think about, a bit of asshat humor, and in the "Wrong then Wrong now" department...I dont, as a rule, make pronouncements...
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Peter Duck

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Peter Duck is a character in one of Arthur Ransomes famous children’s novels, in later life he commissioned Jack Laurence Giles to design a comfortable...
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Sailing Model AMYA Star45 Class Construction Deck s Hatches

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from John Fisher:Attaching deck to hullJohn Fisher photographerHull with deck mounted:John Fisher photographer--------------------HATCHES:From Phil Geren:The...
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