CNC Boat Kit Agreement with Francois Vivier

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The following Press Release was Sent YesterdayFor Immediate Release Clinton B. Chase, Jr.Tuesday, March 2, 2010 Sole Proprietor, Clint Chase BoatbuilderClint...
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Water Filter Steps TV

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I decided to fit a water filter.  This casing can have a variety of filters including a 5 micron carbon filter.  I will start with 5 micron...
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Star 45 Setting Sail on line How To Sail resources

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From: "Don Keeney" <>Date: Sun, 19 Nov 2006 15:39:26 -0600Subject: [Star45] Sail TrimA great place to learn about sail trim and...
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Aiming for Perfection

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A comment submitted by Mike about my previous post has reminded me of a short article I wrote a number of years ago. The article was an attempt to...
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The Launch Timeline

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     I have a recurring dream where I finally make it out to the boat shop after weeks of neglect only to find the place blanketed in Texas...
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Steps toward building a sailing model

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Building Displaying Sailing Model Boats and ShipsSo you want to build a sailing modelFind plans for a sailing model, buy or find on-line.Join a model...
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Swift 18

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The Swift 18 was a popular British trailer sailor in the 1980s often positioned by the yachting press as an ideal starter boat.With very shallow draft...
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Build a Model Sailboat !!

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The information used for the " Model Sail Boat Building, Making A Wooden Star45 R/C Sailing Model" includes posts found on the companion blog: The Star...
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12DC Generator

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I am sick and tired of my current 230v genset causing all sorts of problems with unstable voltage, poor quality sine wave and noise, (engine not electrical)...
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A very kind break in the weather all be it a few days late enabled me to get some painting done.  The first area tackled was the fore deck.  The...
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Elan 400 Review

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Here is an interesting new yacht from a British designer, Rob Humphreys, and Slovenia based Elan Yachts. The Elan 400 is their latest collaboration and...
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Building Phil Bolgers Harbinger

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Back in 2002, I received a request from a customer for a pretty Catboat. I cant remember the initial wish-list, but when I showed him Phil Bolgers Harbinger...
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Americas Cup Surprises Abound

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1. Oracle looked sloppy when a crewman fell overboard before the first start. No surprise there. Its not uncommon for the defender to be rusty early in...
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Some more nice plywood

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A little good news, some seriously scary shit, and a very impressive trip...I miss the French canals.Listening to Soldat LouisSo it goes...
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Foot Brace in First Mate

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All of the hull panels in First Mate, including the narrow flat bottom panel, are made from 6mm/1/4" marine plywood. Wayne Jorgensen, who helped...
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High peaked Gaffs

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Some of you may have noticed that all of my gaff sail plans have a short hoist (luff) and a long, high-peaked gaff. To many, this is a somewhat strange-looking...
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Three Days in Avalon

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Weve had abnormally cold weather here in southern California in the last month so when the forecast changed to unseasonably warm conditions for the next...
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