Building Forms

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The basement exercise room became the room of choice for building the boat....never got any use as an exercise room anyway. I didnt want to tear out the...
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Shiny Stuff

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I have been working with the pram cover maker to make the stainless steel tube frame to take the cover.  Normally he contracts this to a SS specialist. ...
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Monday 12th Nov 2007Bulkheads front and back of the engine room.As the hull is still floppy, it had to be jacked into the correct shape to fit the bulkheads.Very...
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Fleet a Planing Hull Version of Flint

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Back in about 2003 I was asked to design a rowing/small outboard boat for operations in a short, steep chop, with the emphasis on lack of pounding. The...
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Discussion about Flat Bottomed Hulls

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As I expected, publication of an opinion on the subject of flat bottomed boats has resulted in some discussion. Graham brought up the matter...
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What is a hull and construction categories

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Dave Mainwarings definitionsHULL defintion of:The outer shell, including frames, ribs, interior bulkheads, exclusive of masts, rigging, deck and equipment."bare...
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Fitting Different Rigs to an Existing Boat

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One of the great joys of owning and/or building a small wooden sailing boat is that there is plenty of opportunity for experimentation. For some...
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CNC Boat Kits and Prep for the Maine Boatbuilders Show

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It has been very busy as evidenced by fewer postings. We have launched a new website for the CNC Boat Kit business
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The broken technology icon

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Here it is, a little icon, a crossed wrench and screwdriver that means something, I dont know what exactly.  I think it might mean that by clicking...
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Building the RSJ Frame

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In August we built the Frame to build the boat on,Steel supplied locally and built on our own steel deck staging as we havent level ground anywhe...
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